Welcome to my acadmic work on Latin American politics, political economy, and conspiracism

Uncovering Hidden Truths

About this website
Welcome to Daniel C. Hellinger, Ph.D's Academic Research and Teaching website. Professor Hellinger, a distinguished scholar in the field of International Relations, has published on conspiracism in politics, Latin American Politics, and Natural Resource Extraction, 
Political Conspiracism Analysis

Political Conspiracism Analysis

There exists copious academic literature about conspiracy theories in the "paranoid style," but little about actual conspiracies, which I treat as "proximate" but not full explanations of major political turning points. This research is more urgent in the aftermath of Trumpian "Stop the Steal" and the 1/6/23 insurrection at the Capitol in Washington D.C. (Photo: By Tyler Merbler from USA - DSC09523-2, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=98637510

Latin American Politics Research

Latin American Politics Research

I am most often read and consulted in regard to my expertise on Venezuela's history, politics, and oil. I have held Fulbright visiting scholar awards at the Universidad Pontifica, Valparaiso, Chile (twice) and at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, have been a visiting scholar at St. Antony's College, Oxford, UK, the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Shanghai University Science and Technology.

My current research: Natural Resource Extraction in Chile and Venezuela

My current research: Natural Resource Extraction in Chile and Venezuela

Using the classical theory of rent as a framework, I am researching two cases of the globalization of natural resource extraction--Chile and Venezuela. In both cases, nationalizations of foreign companies were a kind of "end of history," but the history cannot be so easily stopped.

Political Science & Politics of Science

 “A rare effort, CONSPIRACY AND CONSPIRACY THEORIES IN THE AGE OF TRUMP prompts us to consider that conspiracy theories exist as do conspiracies. Finding a way to hold both phenomena in our minds without letting one overwhelm the other is a task and project that few are willing to undertake. Thank goodness Hellinger does it.” 

– Jack Z. Bratich, Associate Professor of Communications, Rutgers University

 Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories “is a cracking book. A fantastically rich and compelling analysis. It fills a lacuna of social science theorization of conspiracy with a superbly crafted and updated contribution.” 

– Julia Buxton, British Academy Global Professor, Criminology, University of Manchester

 COMPARATIVE POLITICS OF LATIN AMERICA, 3rd ed, "analyzes the complexities of Latin American Politics and development. It allows students to develop the analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as the empathy, needed to comprehend the region today." 

Angelo Rivero Santos, Center for Latin American Studies, Georgetown University
  • Webster University 63119